幼教库收录的《Scholastic Storybооk Treasures》1-2级全188集,英语发音,英文字幕,每集大小约11M,总大小20.20G,单集播放时长约/分钟,高清高清MP4格式,可以在电视机或电脑、平板、IPAD、早教机、手机等各种设备播放!
Scholastic Storybооk Treasures 简介
这个系列共188本书,其中不少都是经典作品。这些以动画形式呈现的绘本大致分为两种类型,一种是根据原绘本制作的动画片,其风格和原绘本非常一致,动画形式提供了很多原书没有的细节。例如第一辑中的Good Night, Gorilla, 其增加的内容非常有趣,而且动画是慢节奏的,没有快速的切换剪辑,基本还是看书的感觉。另一种则是对绘本局部画面的放大,缩小,推拉等,这样做的好处是孩子容易follow,跟着情节前进。故事朗读者不少是有名的作家,演员,很有味道;字幕和朗读同步推进,对认字阶段的孩子挺有帮助的。
Scholastic Storybооk Treasures 目录
DVD01-01 Is your mama a llama
DVD01-02 Leo the late bloomer
DVD01-03 Ellzabeti’s doll
DVD01-04 Goose
DVD01-05 five creatures
DVD02-01 The snowy day
DVD02-02 Whistle for willie
DVD02-03 Peter’s chair
DVD02-04 Pet show
DVD02-05 A Letter to Amy
DVD02-06 Getting to know Ezra jack keats
DVD02-07 APT.3
DVD03-01 Good night,gorilla
DVD03-02 How do dinosaurs say good night
DVD03-03 Happy birthday moon
DVD03-04 The napping house
DVD03-05 The paperboy
DVD03-06 Patrick
DVD03-07 The hat
DVD04-01 The teacher from the black lagoon
DVD04-02 What’s under my bed
DVD04-03 By the light of the Hallo ween moon
DVD04-04 The three robbers
DVD04-05 A dark,dark tale
DVD04-06 Georgie
DVD04-07 Teeny-tiny and the witch-woman
DVD05-01 Chrysanthemun
DVD05-02 Owen
DVD05-03 A weekend with wendell
DVD05-04 Picnic
DVD05-05 Monty
DVD05-06 The wizard
DVD06-01 Chicka chicka boom boom
DVD06-02 Trashy town
DVD06-03 Rosie’s Walk
DVD06-04 The caterpillar and the polliwog
DVD06-05 The foollsh frog
DVD06-06 Joey runs away
DVD06-07 Changes,changes
DVD07-01 Corduroy
DVD07-02 Yo! yes?
DVD07-03 Here comes the cat!
DVD07-04 The rainbabies
DVD08-01 There was an old lady who swallowed a fly
DVD08-02 Antarctic antics
DVD08-03 Musical max
DVD08-04 Keeping house
DVD08-05 Waiting For Wings
DVD09-01 Curious george rides a bike
DVD09-02 The Great White Man-Eating Shark
DVD09-03 Flossie and the fox
DVD09-04 The happy lion
DVD09-05 Cat and canary
DVD10-01 Why mosquitoes buzz in people’s ears
DVD10-02 A story, A story
DVD10-03 Who’s in rabbit’s house
DVD10-04 The village of round and square houses
DVD10-05 Hot hippo
DVD11-01 Strega nona
DVD11-02 Joseph had a little overcoat
DVD11-03 Stone soup
DVD11-04 The tale of the mandarin ducks
DVD12-01 Harold and the purple crayon
DVD12-02 A picture for harold’s room
DVD12-03 Harold’s fairy tale
DVD12-04 The mysterious tadpole
DVD12-05 Drummer hoff
DVD12-06 Smile for auntie
DVD13-01 Click,Clack,Moo Cows That Type
DVD13-02 The Day Jimmy’s Boa Ate The Wash
DVD13-03 The pigs’ wedding
DVD13-04 The cow who fell in the canal
DVD13-05 Charlie Needs A Cloak
DVD14-01 Harry the dirty dog
DVD14-02 No Roses for Harry!
DVD14-03 Officer buckle and gloria
DVD14-04 Dot the fire dog
DVD14-05 I want a dog
DVD14-06 Angus lost
DVD15-01 Where the wild things are
DVD15-02 The Nutshell Kids
DVD15-03 In the night kitchen
DVD15-04 Getting to know maurice sendak
DVD16-01 Make way for ducklings
DVD16-02 Blueberries for sal
DVD16-03 Time of wonder
DVD16-04 Burt Dow, Deep-Water Man
DVD16-05 Lentil
S01 Good Night, Gorilla
S02 The Napping House
S03 Happy Birthday, Moon
S04 The Rainbabies
S05 Zin! Zin! Zin! A Violin
S06 Elizabeti’s Doll
S07 Corduroy
S08 The Happy Lion
S09 Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel
S10 I Love You Like Crazy Cakes
S11 Smile for Auntie
S12 The Happy Owls
S13 Goose
S14 There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly
S15 Frog Went A-Courtin
S16 This Land is Your Land
S17 Over in the Meadow
S18 Giraffes Can t Dance
S19 The Chinese Violin
S20 Dem Bones
S21 Changes, Changes
S22 The Wheels on the Bus
S23 Joseph Had a Little Overcoat
S24 Musical Max
S25 Bugs! Bugs! Bugs!
S26 All the Colors of the Earth
S27 Keeping House
S28 Hush Little Baby
S29 Giggle, Giggle, Quack
S30 Duck for President
S31 Dooby Dooby Moo
S32 Diary of a Worm
S33 Diary of a Fly
S34 Is Your Mama a Llama
S35 Each Peach Pear Plum
S36 Noisy Nora
S37 The Little Red Hen
S38 Reading to Your Bunny
S39 Red Riding Hood
S40 The Three Little Pigs
S41 James Marshall s Cinderella
S42 Hansel and Gretel
S43 Gildilocks and the Three Bears
S44 Space Case
S45 The Ugly Duckling
S46 Nightingale
S47 The Emperor’s New Clothes
S48 The Red Shoes
S49 The Little Match Girl
S50 The Swineherd
S51 He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands
S52 Come On, Rain
S53 Giving Thanks-Anative American Good Morning Message
S54 Owl Moon
S55 The Tale of the Mandarin Ducks
S56 Patrick
S57 A Boy, a Dog and a Frog
S58 Antarctic Antics
S59 In the Small, Small Pond
S60 Bear Snores On
S61 Bark, George
S62 Caps for Sale
S63 The Hat
S64 The Little Red Lighthouse and the Great Gray Bridge
S65 The Teacher from the Black Lagoon
S66 The Librarian from the Black Lagoon
S67 The Gym Teacher from the Black Lagoon
S68 Shrinking Violin
S69 Miss Nelson Has a Field Day
S70 Miss Nelson is Back
S71 The Day Jimmy s Boa Ate the Wash
S72 The Dot
S73 Amazing Grace
DVD01-01 Is your mama a llama
DVD01-02 Leo the late bloomer
DVD01-03 Ellzabeti’s doll
DVD01-04 Goose
DVD01-05 five creatures
DVD02-01 The snowy day
DVD02-02 Whistle for willie
DVD02-03 Peter’s chair
DVD02-04 Pet show
DVD02-05 A Letter to Amy
DVD02-06 Getting to know Ezra jack keats
DVD02-07 APT.3
DVD03-01 Good night,gorilla
DVD03-02 How do dinosaurs say good night
DVD03-03 Happy birthday moon
DVD03-04 The napping house
DVD03-05 The paperboy
DVD03-06 Patrick
DVD03-07 The hat
DVD04-01 The teacher from the black lagoon
DVD04-02 What’s under my bed
DVD04-03 By the light of the Hallo ween moon
DVD04-04 The three robbers
DVD04-05 A dark,dark tale
DVD04-06 Georgie
DVD04-07 Teeny-tiny and the witch-woman
DVD05-01 Chrysanthemun
DVD05-02 Owen
DVD05-03 A weekend with wendell
DVD05-04 Picnic
DVD05-05 Monty
DVD05-06 The wizard
DVD06-01 Chicka chicka boom boom
DVD06-02 Trashy town
DVD06-03 Rosie’s Walk
DVD06-04 The caterpillar and the polliwog
DVD06-05 The foollsh frog
DVD06-06 Joey runs away
DVD06-07 Changes,changes
DVD07-01 Corduroy
DVD07-02 Yo! yes?
DVD07-03 Here comes the cat!
DVD07-04 The rainbabies
DVD08-01 There was an old lady who swallowed a fly
DVD08-02 Antarctic antics
DVD08-03 Musical max
DVD08-04 Keeping house
DVD08-05 Waiting For Wings
DVD09-01 Curious george rides a bike
DVD09-02 The Great White Man-Eating Shark
DVD09-03 Flossie and the fox
DVD09-04 The happy lion
DVD09-05 Cat and canary
DVD10-01 Why mosquitoes buzz in people’s ears
DVD10-02 A story, A story
DVD10-03 Who’s in rabbit’s house
DVD10-04 The village of round and square houses
DVD10-05 Hot hippo
DVD11-01 Strega nona
DVD11-02 Joseph had a little overcoat
DVD11-03 Stone soup
DVD11-04 The tale of the mandarin ducks
DVD12-01 Harold and the purple crayon
DVD12-02 A picture for harold’s room
DVD12-03 Harold’s fairy tale
DVD12-04 The mysterious tadpole
DVD12-05 Drummer hoff
DVD12-06 Smile for auntie
DVD13-01 Click,Clack,Moo Cows That Type
DVD13-02 The Day Jimmy’s Boa Ate The Wash
DVD13-03 The pigs’ wedding
DVD13-04 The cow who fell in the canal
DVD13-05 Charlie Needs A Cloak
DVD14-01 Harry the dirty dog
DVD14-02 No Roses for Harry!
DVD14-03 Officer buckle and gloria
DVD14-04 Dot the fire dog
DVD14-05 I want a dog
DVD14-06 Angus lost
DVD15-01 Where the wild things are
DVD15-02 The Nutshell Kids
DVD15-03 In the night kitchen
DVD15-04 Getting to know maurice sendak
DVD16-01 Make way for ducklings
DVD16-02 Blueberries for sal
DVD16-03 Time of wonder
DVD16-04 Burt Dow, Deep-Water Man
DVD16-05 Lentil
S01 Good Night, Gorilla
S02 The Napping House
S03 Happy Birthday, Moon
S04 The Rainbabies
S05 Zin! Zin! Zin! A Violin
S06 Elizabeti’s Doll
S07 Corduroy
S08 The Happy Lion
S09 Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel
S10 I Love You Like Crazy Cakes
S11 Smile for Auntie
S12 The Happy Owls
S13 Goose
S14 There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly
S15 Frog Went A-Courtin
S16 This Land is Your Land
S17 Over in the Meadow
S18 Giraffes Can t Dance
S19 The Chinese Violin
S20 Dem Bones
S21 Changes, Changes
S22 The Wheels on the Bus
S23 Joseph Had a Little Overcoat
S24 Musical Max
S25 Bugs! Bugs! Bugs!
S26 All the Colors of the Earth
S27 Keeping House
S28 Hush Little Baby
S29 Giggle, Giggle, Quack
S30 Duck for President
S31 Dooby Dooby Moo
S32 Diary of a Worm
S33 Diary of a Fly
S34 Is Your Mama a Llama
S35 Each Peach Pear Plum
S36 Noisy Nora
S37 The Little Red Hen
S38 Reading to Your Bunny
S39 Red Riding Hood
S40 The Three Little Pigs
S41 James Marshall s Cinderella
S42 Hansel and Gretel
S43 Gildilocks and the Three Bears
S44 Space Case
S45 The Ugly Duckling
S46 Nightingale
S47 The Emperor’s New Clothes
S48 The Red Shoes
S49 The Little Match Girl
S50 The Swineherd
S51 He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands
S52 Come On, Rain
S53 Giving Thanks-Anative American Good Morning Message
S54 Owl Moon
S55 The Tale of the Mandarin Ducks
S56 Patrick
S57 A Boy, a Dog and a Frog
S58 Antarctic Antics
S59 In the Small, Small Pond
S60 Bear Snores On
S61 Bark, George
S62 Caps for Sale
S63 The Hat
S64 The Little Red Lighthouse and the Great Gray Bridge
S65 The Teacher from the Black Lagoon
S66 The Librarian from the Black Lagoon
S67 The Gym Teacher from the Black Lagoon
S68 Shrinking Violin
S69 Miss Nelson Has a Field Day
S70 Miss Nelson is Back
S71 The Day Jimmy s Boa Ate the Wash
S72 The Dot
S73 Amazing Grace
Scholastic Storybооk Treasures 预览

资源名称Scholastic Storybook Treasures 1-2级